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Private Online Emotional Alchemy and Yoga Retreat

You find yourself in unprecedented times, the rule books and text books are being literally thrown out the window. New structures and frontiers are being created. The ancient yogis have forecast this period in human consciousness over 5000 years ago, they have given you such valuable tools to help navigate these unchartered waters that you find yourself in. Come learn about these ancient practices, to center, to connect, to upgrade your frequency, and to create and build your best life.


  • 5 2.5-hour Emotional Alchemy training sessions
  • Live sessions to be held over Zoom, Facebook, or Whatsapp
  • Live sessions' time zone: Cambodia time (Indochina Time, GMT+7)
  • Practice yoga of your choice - Kundalini yoga, gentle or detox, or Yin styles
  • Dive deep into meditation as medicine
  • Learn more about breathwork - rebirthing, crystal bowl, gong sound journeys, and energy healing / light body activations

5 days with instruction
Group size: 1-5 participants
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Tools required

  • Good Wi-Fi connection
  • Laptop (preferred), iPad, or phone
  • Zoom, Facebook, or Whatsapp

How the retreat works

There will be two sessions daily in this retreat. Each day will be divided into a morning program and afternoon program. Each session will last approximately two hours and a half. Time frame to be worked out by online participant and facilitator.

Retreat information

A brief outline of the yoga of the mind

These online programs are individually tailored specifically for you. The programs are themed to assist you to go deeper into specific areas of interest, i.e. Detox/Destress, Love/Attraction, and Abundance/Prosperity. The online wellness programs can vary from 1, 3, 5, or 7 days as this is tailored to the individual.

You detoxify continuously throughout life. You process food, thoughts, and all forms of energy. When the flow is continuous and clear, you are steady and flexible. The trouble is that you accumulate more than you process. You become weighed down by your life experiences, and past emotions.

In this retreat, you will look deeply into the workings of the mind and train your ability to observe it rather than identify yourself with it. Thus, you can liberate yourself out of the maze of the mind and experience true and lasting inner peace, happiness, and joy. Your natural state of Being.

Emotional Alchemy explained

How do you experience and accept your emotions and feelings, and maintain your higher consciousness with grace? You will explore Kundalini kriyas and meditations, powerful breath techniques, mindfulness practices, and real life experience to help you understand and deal with the world of your emotions.

“What is the role of emotions?” Yogi Bhajan: “Emotions are very important, but any mistake you ever make will occur when you become attached to your emotions as reality.” “Emotions are the sensory system of the soul” - Yogi Bhajan.

Timing of sessions (GMT +7)

Day 1

  • Morning Program: Pranayama / gentle yoga - 2.5 hours
  • Afternoon Program: Emotional Alchemy Training - Health diagnostic, personal mentoring, and meditation techniques - 2.5 hours

Day 2

  • Morning Program: Pranayama / gentle yoga - 2.5 hours
  • Afternoon Program: Emotional Alchemy Training - Energy healing / lightbody activations - 2.5 hours

Day 3

  • Morning Program: Pranayama / gentle yoga - 2.5 hours
  • Afternoon Program: Emotional Alchemy Training - Aquarian awakening / rebirthing (optional) - 2.5 hours

Day 4

  • Morning Program: Pranayama / gentle yoga - 2.5 hours
  • Afternoon Program: Emotional Alchemy Training - Personal mentoring, and meditation techniques, gong bath - 2.5 hours

Day 5

  • Morning Program: Pranayama / gentle yoga - 2.5 hours
  • Afternoon Program: Emotional Alchemy Training - Personal mentoring, and meditation techniques, crystal bowl sound journey - 2.5 hours

Key Activities:

  • Pranayama
  • Yoga of your choice - Kundalini yoga, gentle/detox, or Yin styles offered
  • Meditation as medicine
  • Breathwork - rebirthing
  • Crystal bowl, gong sound journeys
  • Energy healing or light body activations


This yoga retreat is held online. Anantara Angkor Resort is based in Siam Reap, Cambodia (GMT +7) and they will live-stream the classes via Zoom, Facebook, or Whatsapp, which you can participate from the comfort of your home by just using your phone or computer.

What's included

  • 5 2.5-hour Emotional Alchemy training sessions
  • 5 2.5-hour pranayama or gentle yoga sessions

What's not included

  • Accommodation
  • Food

Cancellation Policy

  • A reservation requires a deposit of 100% of the total price.
  • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
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