There will be one plant medicine Ayahuasca ceremony to reconnect with yourself. The ceremony includes up to three doses of the Ayahuasca drink, one or more doses of rapé (optional), and a personal guardian which is on your side all the time. Some medical conditions may result in no participation in the Ayahuasca ceremony. There is a self informing online questionary you need to be filled out at least 1 week before arrival.
During your stay you will have daily activities such as meditation and yoga, (We have an more open concept combining yoga and stretching movements to a welness fitness concept in the ayahuasca experience) and additional options to choose. With help from the ancestral medicines of the forest you have a once in a lifetime experience and may find yourself as you are.
With Bahia Vacation Tours the Ayahuasca ritual is being held a little differently on a one-on-one basis or in your own small group. You will be accompanied by the spiritual healer.
Additionally you will have time to calm down, relax, and gain full energy supported by a healthy diet and lots of nature around.
What is special about the Ayahuasca journey to yourself?
The ceremony is embedded in a calming and relaxing time with yoga and meditation. You will be consciously guided to the ceremony right from the start of the journey. Diet and drinks are also geared towards this.
The process of Ayahuasca ceremony with the shaman Edu, who has his integrative center right here in the neighborhood, is adjusted to Bahia Vacation Tours guests and specially developed for you.
This means that you will not have your experience in a large group of different people, but personally tailored to you with your companion or your small group. The Ayahusca ceremony takes place in the open air, with up to three units of the Ayahuasca drink, optionally with "Rapé", a kind of snuff with herbs that are blown into the nose and "Sananga", natural plant drops that make the eyes more to stimulate receptivity.
During the entire ceremony you have your personal GUARDIAN at your side, "your personal guardian angel", who watches over you the whole time and responds to your reactions and experiences in the given case and can thus steer the positive course of events. The ceremony lasts all night and the next morning you will be given a nice breakfast where you will discuss the night's experience with your shaman and guardian.
Before each participation, it is absolutely necessary to fill out an anamnesis form for Edu to make your ceremony a positive and memorable event (certain medical criteria and medication may result in disqualification from attending the ceremony).
Bahia Vacation Tours will of course bring you to the center and pick you up again the next morning.
A typical normal day will look like this:
- 08:00 Healthy breakfast
- 10:00 Meditation and yoga
- 11.30 - 15:00 Free time to go to the beach or relax in the tropical gardens at the pool
- 15:00 - 19:00 Time for optional wellness treatments
- 19:00 Dinner
The day of the ceremony you will be accompanied by the healer.
The healer and the youga techer will have a questionary about your medical conditions bevore arriving.