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Find out about your purpose in life. You have to know yourself and to agree with yourself, to be able to accept and to enjoy all of the offerings the universe has at hand for you. The whole universe is here to serve you, but you have to know what you really like, what calls your attention, and what excites you. The world will not change, but you will see and live it in a different way.
You will stay in a small wooden cabin suitable for one or two persons with its own bathroom and air-conditioning or heating. Free Wi-Fi and free tea and coffee are available.
During this retreat, you will participate in trance personal coaching (two to three hours), induction and conditioning for trance (one to two hours), inner child work (one to two hours), and soul diving (two to three hours), relax with the massage, and experience two hours of hiking. Soul diving and inner child sessions will be audio recorded for you so that later you may refresh your memory. You will have a few free mornings to be able to do your own activities. It is possible to add extra days for accommodation to stay in the area and get to know more things.
In case the massage is not available, we offer the following alternatives: Aura scan and energy balancing or a visit to a local faith healer.
This is the right place for you if you
To try to stop the inner dialogue, to have a moment of rest from your never-ceasing thoughts, and to get tuned to a part of yourself you normally have no access to, there are many ways: austerities, deep silence, devotional work, contemplation, worship, and art to expose yourself to oceans, deserts, or high mountains. You do this by trance personal coaching. Your mind comes to rest and you step over from yourself to yourself. New feelings, new sensations, and new perspectives will arise from that contact and little by little you will perceive life in a different way.
Trance therapy, or trance work, is a group of techniques that allow practitioners and patients to take advantage of the mind-body connection to foster healing. Essentially, trance is an altered state of consciousness marked by decreased breath and increased intensity of awareness. What distinguishes trance therapy is that it involves a deliberate choice to enter this state of consciousness for a goal beyond relaxation to focus on concentration and use suggestions to promote health and healing.
Individuals can, not only experience trance from a licensed practitioner, but they can also become comfortable practicing and eventually mastering the techniques themselves. Contrary to popular belief, trance is not a state of deep sleep. It does involve an induction, and once in trance, the patient is actually in an enhanced state of awareness, concentrating entirely on the therapist’s voice. In this state, the conscious mind is partially suppressed and the subconscious mind is revealed.
The therapist is able to suggest ideas, concepts, and lifestyle adaptations to the patient, the seed of which become firmly planted. The practice of promoting healing or positive development in any way is known as trance therapy. As such, trance therapy is a kind of psychotherapy. Trancetherapy aims at reprogramming patterns of behavior within the mind, enabling irrational fears, phobias, negative thoughts, and suppressed emotions to be overcome.
As the body is released from conscious control during the relaxed state trance, breathing becomes slower and deeper, the pulse rate drops, and the metabolic rate falls. Similar changes along the pathway and hormonal channels enable the sensation of pain to become less acute and the awareness of unpleasant symptoms such as nausea or indigestion to be alleviated. Trance is thought to work by altering your state of consciousness in such a way that the analytical left-hand side of the brain is turned off, while the non-analytical right-hand side is made more alert.
The conscious control of the mind is inhibited, and the subconscious mind awoken. Since the subconscious mind is a deeper, more instinctive force than the conscious mind, this is the part that has to change for the patient’s behavioral and physical state to alter. For example, a patient who consciously wants to overcome their fear of spiders may try everything they can do to it but will still fail as long as their subconscious mind retains this fear and prevents the patient from succeeding. Progress can only be made by reprogramming the subconscious so that deep-seated instincts and beliefs are abolished or altered.
Transpersonal counseling enables the individual to access their own inner wisdom and spiritual connection in order to download information and guidance for specific queries and issues they have been struggling with. It does this by helping you relax your conscious analytical mind and expand into a non-ordinary altered state of consciousness where you can receive guidance and messages from the source.
The experience is extremely relaxing, nurturing, and profound in its truth. Both the human experience and a greater framework are taken into consideration with transpersonal life coaching. This greater framework may include the person’s view of the divine, religious practices, mystical experiences, altered states of consciousness, or any other part of the person’s experience that has meaning for him or her.
From that transpersonal perspective, difficulties that are encountered are not seen as a problem to be fixed, but as an indication that a greater potential is unfolding. The transpersonal life coach assists persons in understanding what these challenges have to teach them and in tapping into this greater potential. The person then becomes empowered in accomplishing his or her goals and in consciously creating his or her life.
After guiding you into a deep state of meditative trance, you will get in touch with your subconscious mind, receiving specific suggestions for your general wellbeing, rewriting your life script. The session takes about two or three hours, and you enter and explore memories stored in your subconscious mind. These memories can come up as belonging to a supposed past life experience of yours or as general overall memories. Some people call this Akashic records. Akashic records come from the 5000-year-old Sanskrit word 'Akasha' which means space.
These records are like a hidden library in space and can be revealed by the subconscious mind in a deep state of meditative trance in your cells, your soul, or the universe. This is your souls' 'Book of Knowledge' or database of information with all information about your souls’ mission and purpose in this lifetime. The information or download that you can receive in just one rightly guided journey can reveal your life mission, purpose, past lives, and soul lessons you are here to learn and help you to have a purposeful, amazing, and fulfilled life that you will enjoy and sees it.
You should be willing to accept whatever will be revealed to you without judgment. To have a compassionate understanding of humanity and its purpose is helpful for a meaningful experience. During this journey, you reach a point where you will be asked if you would like to experience the transition from this life back to the light to pass from your supposed former life into a different state. If you agree, you will be guided to the last day of that former life and to its very last moment. Then you will describe whatever happens to you or what you feel.
Later, you may also come to a state called 'life between lives' where you might encounter your soul mate, your spirit guide, or these old wise people who may answer any question you have about life and who will encourage you. Soul diving will help you to have a deeper understanding of who you are, where you come from, where you go from here, and what is the purpose of your life, the universal energy, and your own energy.
This session is similar to the soul diving session and will take up to two hours. You will be guided to meet the aspect of your soul when you were a child to restore contact with that normally long-time abandoned being. Then you will be led to a winding path of love and light to meet your spiritual child. Here, you may ask questions about your life. On that path, going through different gateways, you may drop down on your concerns, worries, or misconceptions about life. A very helpful process to feel more comfortable with yourself and to open up for life.
A two or three-hour guided hike is included to come to know the mountains or the nearby reservoir.
Thomas Gottwald has been involved in spirituality and guidance for over 25 years. He gained valuable experience working with gurus, healers, and Shamans from around the world making him a spiritual master in his own right, changing the lives of many people. Author of the book 'Land Of Shamans' and in the process of publishing 'Memories Of A Healer'. Today, he is working as a healer, trance and hypnosis therapist, and spiritual guide working with individuals or groups. “It is not about teaching someone nor preaching to someone, it is about reaching someone.”
Maryna Pererva, born in Ukraine, where she studied literature in Kiev. Later, she spent several years in Seychelles and Greece, where she improved her skills to help people. Since she is living in Spain, she increased her knowledge by studies of different massage techniques and contact with several shamans. Maryna also speaks Ukrainian and Russian.
Axel Risse, born in Germany, studied arts and ceramics in Germany and Spain. He is helping the shaman at the center since 30 years.
Lena Berghaus, born in Germany, spent 12 years in India working closely with people in business and as a coach. Today she uses her experience and skills to help people individually live more fulfilled lives through her work as a Dipl Hypnotherapist and Life Coach.
Daily lunch is included in the price. Guests can use a big kitchen and there are two supermarkets and two bars or restaurants in the village.
One 75-minute massage session is included in the price.
Federico García Lorca Airport (Granada Jaén Airport)
27 km
Transfer verfügbar gegen Aufpreis US$ 31 pro Person
Málaga Airport
108 km
Transfer nicht inbegriffen
There are 12 busses from Granada to Quéntar every day but Sunday.
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