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La Crisalida invites you who are keen to make a positive transformation in your life to join the week Life Makeover Retreat. These retreats are for people who know that something in their life must change now. It’s designed to help participants to develop the courage necessary to take the first steps and to start the internal process required to make deep and positive change sustainable. The core component of the La Crisalida Life Makeover Retreats are the workshops, in addition to the daily yoga classes. Experience a makeover in your yoga, mindset and diet, so that you return home ready for longer lasting change. You can also choose to book one-to-one life or transformational coaching for personalised, in-depth transformation.
At La Crisalida, they offer spacious en-suite apartments, decorated in a light traditional Spanish style, with white-washed walls, throws and bright scatter cushions. There are different types of accommodation that you can choose from to fit your budget and personal choice.
Every apartment includes a seating area, with large sofas and armchairs, plus a television and a DVD player so you can choose to relax with one of our wide selection of DVDs. This is a small area with dining table and chairs, plus an ensuite bathroom. There are blackout curtains at the windows to help you get a good nights sleep. For convenience, all apartments also have a basic kitchen containing kettle and tea-making facilities and a fridge. We also supply a hair drier, safe, iron with ironing board, and clothes drier in every apartment.
The accommodation is situated in two buildings. Private apartments (single person), twin share and multishare apartments are located on the ground floor and situated around the inner courtyard magnesium pool area, with sunbathing facilities. They all have a small outside terrace area for your apartment. In the second two-storey building, next to the second outdoor pool and close to the yoga terrace, the five apartments are all two-bedrooms – here you can have your own private bedrooms in a two-bed shared apartment.
All apartments have free access to Wi-Fi internet. Rooms are cleaned regularly. All apartments and communal areas include central heating for the winter months and air-conditioning for the hot summer months. Fans are also provided.
You can choose from four types of accommodation:
If you like to have your own space, you can choose to have your own private charming Spanish style apartment. These apartments have their own en-suite bathroom, with outdoor terrace area. They are situated around the quiet inner courtyard pool area.
For those people who prefer to have your own private bedroom but are happy to share an apartment with one other person, you might like to choose this option. Each bedroom contains a double bed. The seating, dining and kitchen areas are shared and so too is the ensuite bathroom. These apartments are for two people (and you can book this option if you are travelling alone, La Crisalida will match you with another guest of the same gender). There are also two apartments that can sleep up to 4 people coming together as a group. Please ask La Crisalida for prices and availability.
You could choose to share one of our charming twin-share apartments, with one other person. These apartments have been arranged to make the space suitable for social distancing. There are two single beds, separated by a wardrobe and shelf unit, so the large apartments are divided into two sleeping areas. There is a small seating area, kitchen and ensuite bathroom (shared by both guests). If you are travelling on your own, you can book this accommodation type and La Crisalida will match you with someone of the same gender and, where possible, a similar age.
The multishare apartment is a great option is you are travelling on a budget. La Crisalida have a limited number of apartments available that can sleep 3 or 4 people. This is a large apartment, containing three or four single beds. The apartment has been arranged so that social distancing can be maintained. There is an ensuite bathroom, seating area, kitchen and outside terrace. These apartments can be reserved by people coming as a group. Individuals travelling on their own can also book this accommodation option, if you are happy to share with up to three others (same gender).
The retreat is set in lovely Spanish grounds, with mature plants, including bougainvillia, palm trees and jasmine. There are a wide range of facilities at the retreat including:
La Crisalida Retreats is a health and wellbeing centre located in the quiet seaside town of Albir, north from Alicante on the Costa Blanca, Spain. They offer guests from all over the world a relaxing all-inclusive retreat experience in their quiet and welcoming retreat centre. La Crisalida Retreats offers a holistic approach to health and wellbeing through their program of activities that include yoga, life makeover workshops, meditation, rebounding and more, combined with tasty nutritious plant-based food and juices.
In your life makeover retreats you can explore your mindset in our life makeover workshops, try EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as “tapping”) and learn meditation to relax and find deeper concentration. Give yourself a complete life makeover and try a plant-based diet (or juicing), packed with nutrition to feel great and bring about change from the inside out.
The La Crisalida program of life makeover workshops are popular with many guests and are the core part of the life makeover and yoga retreats. They are designed to explore and enhance your sense of mental well-being. These workshops compliment the meditation at the retreat and although are light hearted and fun, they seek to capture the base cause of your experiences in life. A key fundamental is that to have outer harmony in life, there must be inner harmony and for there to be inner harmony there must exist mastery of the mind.
In these workshops you can explore very practical ways of developing inner harmony. You can also look at the role motivation plays in your life and role of your inner self, thoughts and feelings in creating your own very personal reality. You can start to explore the often overlooked aspects of experience that you desire - those relating to inner riches.
Workshops include topics like: “Finding the authentic you”, “Creating Balance in your life” and “First love yourself”. You might also want to try vision-boarding - using the power of attraction to create a vision of the life you want to live. They also offer a weekly EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) workshop.
If there is a significant gap between where you are and where you want to be in any area of your life whether its relationships, finances, career, health, or spirituality our coaching service can often help. The is a life coach available at most of our retreats. Please note, life coaching is an additional cost (not included in the cost of your retreat). Please contact La Crisalida if you would like more information or ask directly at the retreat when you arrive.
Yoga is a central part of the La Crisalida program, and they cater for all levels of ability - so if yoga is something you have never tried before, this is your opportunity to try out something new. Studies have proven yoga to be one of the best ways to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and relieve symptoms such as insomnia, depression and anxiety. Yoga also helps to improve overall fitness, strength, and flexibility.
Being a core part of La Crisalida Retreats offerings, yoga is catered for all levels of ability - the goal is for you to leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated from your time at the retreat. There are twelve yoga classes every week. There is one all-levels class each day (suitable for beginners and intermediate practitioners) and at least five intermediate classes during the week. Classes are open to everyone however the intermediate classes are stronger and more challenging.
Most of the yoga classes are Hatha based, although we offer a range of different yoga styles, including Yin, Restorative, Kundalini and Hatha flow. There are four or five yoga teachers each week, so you can experience different styles and different teachers. The common theme underlying yoga at La Crisalida is to help you to get back in touch with the inner you, to find balance, strength, flexibility and inner peace.
Where possible, the yoga sessions are set outdoors on the roof terrace with views of the surrounding area, sea and mountains.
There is a library at La Crisalida that contains a wide range of mindset books and DVDs that you can borrow during your time at the retreat.
There are morning meditation sessions at the retreat, in which to practice meditation in a group setting. There are generally silent sessions and different techniques are offered during the week for you to experience and practice. There is also a weekly mindfulness workshop in which mindfulness is explored in more detail. Meditation practice involves developing your powers of concentration and is a way of developing mindfulness and self-discipline. There are many types of meditation to choose from, and at La Crisalida we prefer to work from those which are aimed at bringing you into the present moment and will relax the mind through detached observation techniques. Although meditation can be challenging, if you persevere you are likely to experience the type of benefits reported such as clearer, more decisive thinking and improved powers of concentration as well as enhancing your overall levels of wellbeing.
La Crisalidas location by the sea and close to a natural park and woodland makes the surrounding area a great one to explore, enjoy the scenery, sea and fresh air. La Crisalida encourages all guests to join with the daily guided walks, which gives you some of the very best views on the Costa Blanca. Various routes can be followed depending upon your desired level of activity. The walks are graded as easy, moderate and challenging.
The retreat offers a full program of activities every day that run every day of the week. The first class starts at 8 am and finishes between 8.30 pm or 9 pm (depending upon the activity). You are welcome to choose to attend all the activities that you want to. There is plenty of time for personal exploration and journaling, so remember to bring your notebook.
The activities on each day of the week vary, depending on the season, however there is always something in each slot for you to choose to participate in. There are twelve yoga classes every week. The start time varies, so some mornings yoga will start at 8 am and sometimes 10.30 am. There are a minimum of 3 life makeover workshops each week. This schedule is shown for indicative purposes, as classes can vary. You will be given a weekly program of activities when you arrive at the retreat and a new schedule is available every Sunday.
John ist Autor, Redner und Transformationstrainer. Er leitet Retreats sowie häufig Workshops zur Umgestaltung des Lebens, Meditation, Gehen und, wenn Sie Glück haben, zum Rebounding! John arbeitete in einer stressigen Karriere als Versicherungsmathematiker, bevor er wesentliche Änderungen in seinem Lebensstil vornahm, die in seinem Umzug nach Spanien resultierte. Bei den Retreats teilt er großzügig das Beste von dem, was er gelernt und in die Praxis umgesetzt hat. John inspiriert und fordert die Gäste auf, persönliche Verantwortung für ihre Gesundheit und ihr Wohlbefinden zu übernehmen.
Lisa ist eine der Gründerinnen von La Crisalida Retreats und eine Yogalehrerin, die einen achtsamen therapeutischen Ansatz für den Yoga Unterricht verfolgt. Sie ist auch Ernährungswissenschaftlerin und entwirft die Speise- und Saftmenüs für das Retreat. Lisa wurde ursprünglich als Epidemiologin ausgebildet und studierte Gesundheit und Krankheit. Nach dem Studium der NLP wechselte sie 2011 die Richtung, um einen ganzheitlicheren Ansatz für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu verfolgen. Mit mehr als zwanzig Jahren Erfahrung teilt Lisa ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrung mit den Gästen, damit diese sich ihrer Gesundheit bewusster werden können.
Die Aktivitäten in La Crisalida werden von einem talentierten Team qualifizierter Fachkräfte geleitet. Sie haben unterschiedliche Hintergründe und Schulungen, die Yoga (mindestens 500- oder 200-Stunden), persönliches Training, Pilates, Musikübungen, Meditation und Achtsamkeit und vieles mehr umfassen. Dieses wundervolle Team leitet die Aktivitäten und Workshops. Sie werden Sie auch mit einem Gruppen-Willkommens-Chat zum Retreat begrüßen und sind bei Fragen für Sie da. Neben allen Mitarbeitern von La Crisalida unterstützt Sie das Programmteam auf Ihrem Weg zu Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden.
The retreat is located in Albir, a small seaside town on the Costa Blanca coast, in the Alicante province of Valencia, Spain. The town itself is relatively quiet, with tree-lined streets and has an unhurried air; perfect for relaxation. We are located off the main road, up a quiet side street, within 15 minutes stroll to the beach. Shops and cafes are also close by in case you forget to bring something!
The coastline is stunning, with azure blue sea and a back drop of mountains. The beach, the Playa del Racó l´Albir has been awarded the prestigious EU Blue Flag classification, denoting its excellent facilities and cleanliness. It is a lovely place to relax and swim, all year around. There is a lovely promenade that you can walk on which stretches all the way up along to Altea (a beautiful old hill town which is well worth a visit). From the beach you can see Calpe rock, the Penon de Ifach. Surrounding Albir is the Sierra Helada, a protected nature reserve.
The walk through trees along to the lighthouse is beautiful and you are rewarded at the end with the opportunity to spot bottle nose dolphins. Although Albir is just north from Benidorm, the town cannot be more different, with very little nightlife apart from restaurants and cafes. The history of Albir goes back to the Roman times, when there was a settlement close to the sea front and you can visit one of the settlements during your stay.
They believe that the starting point for rejuvenation of the body and mind is through the foods that we consume. Therefore, we offer an abundance of fresh fruit, vegetables and whole foods at La Crisalida Retreats. They serve a plant-based diet, packed full with nutrition to give your whole system support and a well-deserved rest.
They use seasonal products and where possible products that are grown or sourced locally, so the menu is typically Mediterranean, with a twist! All dishes are prepared and cooked on the premises, with care and loving attention from the talented chefs. They use lots of herbs and spices to bring flavour and variety, plus serving a selection of dishes with a variety of textures, colours and flavours.
All the meals (or juices) are included in the cost of your retreat. They serve three meals every day. You can enjoy a range of dishes, for lunch and dinner, sampling each dish served. The chefs will serve you (safety measures introduced due to covid-19) and you are welcome to top up your plate as many times as you want.
They also offer you the opportunity to try juicing – this is included in the cost of your retreat. You can choose to juice for one meal, one day or one week, instead of eating. Each day you simply let us know if you want to eat or juice, you have the flexibility to tailor your retreat for you.
The foods that they do not serve include: sugar, bread, dairy products (including milk, yoghurts and cheese), eggs, salt, coffee and tea (except herbal and green teas), alcohol and sweets. These foods all place extra stress on our body systems, so by cutting them out for a few days or longer, the body has the opportunity to rebalance itself. They do serve vegan alternatives including rice milk or soya yoghurts. Most of the food is naturally gluten free, although occasionally they do serve couscous or a couple of other dishes containing gluten. Each meal is nutritionally balanced, so will include vegan sources of protein, and a carbohydrate option.
Sometimes occasional treats are provided - of the healthy variety of course! In the afternoon they provide you with a fresh juice to freshen up before the 5pm class.
La Crisalida Retreats can cater for most dietary requests for allergies or intolerances, including gluten - or wheat-free, coeliacs and people with nut allergies. Please let them know at the time of booking if you have a special dietary request.
You are encouraged to drink at least 3-5 liters of water per day whilst at the retreat as this helps with elimination of toxins and helps to keep the body well hydrated. Filtered water is available for you around the retreat. There is also a wide range of herbal teas, including green tea and hot water so you can make yourself a hot drink whenever you chose. Fresh fruit is always available.
La Crisalida Retreats also offers you the option to juice, instead of eat, for one meal or every meal during your stay. You have the flexibility to decide for yourself for each meal, so you can make your retreat personal for you.
Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices is a popular part of the La Crisalida program. Juicing is a fantastic way of delivering maximum nutrition to the body. The juices are designed to give the digestive system a well-earned break - much of the energy intensive digestion work normally carried out by the body has already been done. This allows the body to divert energy towards any worn out or unhealthy cells which allow them to repair and rejuvenate with ease. With natural fresh juices, the very best nutrients are squeezed out of your favourite fruit and vegetables and put in liquid form into a glass. It often amazes guests how our juices can leave them feeling full for hours.
The juices are freshly prepared each meal time using fruit and vegetables sourced locally. There is a well-designed menu of juices for breakfast and lunch. There is a small afternoon juice also provided in between the activities for all guests. You can choose your own juice for dinner from our extensive menu, or, if you feel adventurous, choose your own ingredients! Juicing is a great way to cleanse the body of toxins, and this elimination process will work in harmony with your yoga practice at the retreat.
Alicante–Elche Airport
52 km
Transfer inklusive
La Crisalida Retreats offer a free collection and drop-off transfer service from Alicante airport by shuttle bus, please note that a minimum of a 3-night stay applies. Flights must arrive and depart between set times during the day for the free transfer (they will inform you). Please note we cannot accept arrivals after 9 p.m. at the retreat. Simply inform La Crisalida Retreats about your flight details, they require 72-hours notice to arrange your transfers. If you would prefer a private transfer, please let La Crisalida know and they can arrange this at extra cost.
If you want to explore the area before or after your retreat, you could hire a car. Let La Crisalida know if you would like driving directions to be sent to you. The distance is approximately 60 kilometers.
If you are taking a train into Alicante, La Crisalida Retreats can organize a free shuttle transfer from the train station to the retreat, for trains arriving at specific times. It is using a shuttle service. This service is shared with other people (not retreat guests) and has several stops before arriving at the retreat, the drive can be between 60 to 180 minutes. Let La Crisalida know your arrival (and departure) train times, they require 72-hours notice to arrange your transfers.
You can also take a bus to Benidorm and take a short taxi ride to the retreat.
Albir can also be reached from Valencia airport. The retreat does not offer transfers from Valencia so you will need to make your own way. There is a good bus service from Valencia to Benidorm, then it is a short 15-minute taxi ride to the retreat.
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