Everything in this retreat program is geared towards relaxing and strengthening your nervous system. You will enjoy soothing massages and bodywork treatments as well as the restorative therapeutic yoga sessions.
You will also learn priceless relaxation self-care skills so you can help yourself after this retreat anywhere anytime.
This is a perfect opportunity to disconnect, de-compress and relax as well as to learn and practice the vital anti-stress skills for life.
Deeper work for the mental health is possible through hypnotherapy sessions (please enquire before you arrive about the additional cost).
The second half of the day is dedicated to resting, walks in nature, sightseeing, just being, meditation, reading, and journaling.
At 18:00 enjoy daily guided relaxation sessions e.g. Yoga Nidra, Qigong, Sound Bath, Meditation or Restorative Yoga
Highlights of the retreat
- Stunning views, peaceful settings in Mediterranean Spain away from tourist crowds and traffic (25 minutes from the coast)
- A trip to the beach if desired
- Beautiful boutique retreat center for a maximum of 8 people at a time
- Personal attention from an experienced Yoga Therapist & Ayurvedic Practitioner Antonina Ramsey
- 08:30 -Gentle movement / yoga / stretching / breathwork and guided relaxation
- 09:30 Healthy breakfast
- 10:30 Massages and treatments
- 13:30 Healthy lunch
- 14:30 Personal free time for relaxation (read under an olive tree, nature walks, rest, siesta, explore the area)
- 18:00 Evening guided relaxation session
- 19:30 Dinner time
- Self-care relaxation exercises before bedtime (optional and self-guided)
This experience will definitely change your life!