This seven-day, six-night retreat expands your consciousness through focused work with the plant medicine Ayahuasca and through embracing the Quechua tradition of using Ayahuasca ceremonies to explore your consciousness and learning about the cosmovisión amazónico (jungle philosophy on life). Experience living in the jungle and true connection to nature through plant medicine.
It includes three Ayahuasca ceremonies performed as a ritual with a group and one or more facilitators. Plus, Ayahuasca-specific menu and a stay in your own private rustic room with bathroom.
Participants will do two evening ceremonies beginning around 17:00 and 1 day ceremony beginning in the morning around 08:00. The ceremonies are approximately five to six hours depending on how long the medicine lasts in the participants.
The retreat also includes one plant bath, one educational plant walk, consultations with the facilitators to guide you through your experience, and a group sharing circle to begin your integration process.
In between the ceremonies and included activities, you will have lots of time to rest, walk on the property, swim in the river, or meditate in the maloca (medicine temple). Katari Center's retreats are structured in a way that allows for maximum time for integration in order to make the most of your plant medicine experience.
The retreat is specifically designed to give each person sufficient time to rest and integrate in between each of the three Ayahuasca ceremonies included.
To register, please send an inquiry and fill out Katari Center's medical form and waiver and wait for approval. Upon approval, you may participate in the ceremony. Ayahuasca is not for everyone. When you hear the calling of the plants, it will be clear that now is your time to connect with them and with yourself.