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Nepal Meditation Teacher Training

The Himalayan country Nepal, the motherland of meditation, the place of Shiva and Buddha offers a 100-hour breathing and meditation teacher training course to get a deeper realization of the real human being which exists within you. This is the best course to manage your mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Meet the instructors

Prakash & RamHari
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  • 100-hour meditation teacher training
  • This training will focus on different dimensions of the practice
  • Learn more about meditation and pranayama (breathing science)
  • Know more about relaxation (Yoga Nidra) and chanting mantra (recitation of mantra)
  • Gain knowledge of gentle stretching (asanas) and philosophy
  • 10 nights accommodation

Skill level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

10 days with instruction in English
The organizer also speaks: Hindi, Nepali
Airport transfer available:
Tribhuvan International Airport (US$ 15 per person)
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  • Sauna
  • Spa
  • Steam room
  • Air-conditioned rooms
  • Dining area
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Fireplace
  • Garden
  • Kitchen
  • Lobby
  • Terrace
  • Yoga shala
  • Yoga studio
  • Free parking
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Meeting room
  • Parking lot
  • Tour assistance

Nepal Yoga Home is one of the pioneer yoga schools in Nepal with its outstanding performance and spiritual life-changing environment to offer all yoga aspirants from around the world.

The accommodation offers clean rooms with a full spiritual environment, a peaceful and quiet place attached to Nagarjun jungle, open garden space for individual meditation/practice, rituals, internet and Wi-Fi services, organic fruit and vegetable products in the garden, full views of Kathmandu valley, workshop rooms for groups.

Nepal Yoga Home offers shared and private accommodation based on different prices. Depending on your preferences and availability, you can choose. Share room will share two people with the same gender. Every room has air-conditioning and a very comfortable bed. It has a comfortable Western-style toilet.

You will get comfortable rooms to learn spiritual lessons that will allow you to have a relaxed homely environment during the teacher training course. Nepal Yoga Home has an amazing location to see the Himalayas in clear weather and to enjoy the scene of Kathmandu city, jungle, and mountains.

The general check-in and check-out times are at 12 p.m. but Nepal Yoga Home is flexible for those who come directly from the airport.


This breathing and meditation teacher training course provides life-transforming information under the teachings of experienced meditation masters. Patanjali, Janaka, Koushik, Garga, Vasistha, Ved Vyash, and numerous other enlightened figures are associated with Nepal.

Nepal is also known as the country of yoga, the country of meditation, and the country of spiritual seekers. This 100-hour breathing and meditation teacher training course focuses on knowing who you truly are.

So, if you do not want to be a teacher but are very passionate about discovering life in the best version this meditation course in Nepal could be the best choice.

After attending this meditation training, you should pay priority to developing self-realization then if you get to realize you can start to share the knowledge around you. Blind can show the path to the next blind so, to be a meditation teacher need to awaken your own inner eyes. This meditation training is an effort to awaken your own eyes.

This is a revolutionary life-changing breathing and meditation training course for your mental, emotional, and spiritual life. You will find great inner change and self-development after the 11-day certified meditation teacher training course in Nepal Yoga Home. This course focuses especially on meditation, breathing, relaxation, and chanting.

A combination of all these effective tools will bring you a very peaceful mind, joyful heart, and realization of soul. This course can be attended by beginners to advanced and regular practitioners who want to discover life in its profound peace.

Those who are looking after a certified yoga teacher training course or who are seeking to deepen their meditation practice this course will work very well. If you are very tired from life and want to change your life with the best management of thoughts and emotions this course will be very helpful.

This meditation training course is the best way to do management of trauma. In the right sense, it’s a practical approach to come out from any kind of trauma. Meditation can be used as medication or a way of liberation whatever you wish, this breathing and meditation teacher training course will assist you very well.

Why this meditation training at Nepal Yoga Home?

  • It is a reputed and well-organized yoga and meditation school for spiritual seekers in Nepal, Kathmandu.
  • It has a group of expert teachers and instructors who have many years of breathing and meditation teaching experience.
  • This was established 14 years ago in Kathmandu, Nepal. It has a long history, goodwill, and popularity so, it has a very updated and well course and syllabus to learn meditation and breathing in its depth.
  • It has been spreading yogic knowledge in various parts of the world, over 130 countries. You have assurance about security, facility, care, course, and teacher.
  • You will experience yogic, spiritual, and peaceful vibes in this meditation school in Nepal.
  • You will find a friendly home-like environment with them. As its name Nepal Yoga Home makes it clear that you are moving home away from home.
  • You will get personal care from the Nepal Yoga Home family and proper guidance from the meditation guru (master).
  • Nepal Yoga Home has all types of facilities that you may need during your stay.
  • This meditation school in Nepal is located in a peaceful area at the base of mountains and forests but not far from Kathmandu city.

What improvements and changes might this breathing and meditation training course bring about?

  • Improves mental and emotional health.
  • It provides the right management of trauma.
  • Decreases diseases, mental stress, tension, etc.
  • Increases inner balance and coordination.
  • Increase understanding and realization.
  • Your mind will be more peaceful than before.
  • Reduce anger, greed, arrogance, ill-will, attachment, fear, etc.
  • You can generate sound relations with people around you.
  • This meditation certification training brings a peaceful mind and free from negative emotions.
  • Many times relations, business, and peace of mind can be lost due to bad temper. This breathing and meditation training will help you to control your temper.
  • This meditation training course provides clarity of mind.
  • Improved concentration and memory.

Topics covered in a 100-hour 11-day meditation teacher training course

This training will focus on four dimensions of the practice they are meditation, pranayama (breathing science), relaxation (yoga Nidra), chanting mantra (recitation of mantra), gentle stretching (asanas), and philosophy.

1. Meditation (dhyana)

Whatever the practice of yoga or stretching without meditation it seems impossible to realize the self. Meditation is the antaranga sadhana (internal practice) of Patanjali Ashtanga yoga.

It is well known that meditation is the key way to get samadhi and samadhi is the key way to be free from suffering (liberation). This meditation training course will provide the tools and techniques to get the ultimate solution in life.

Meditation is one of the most excellent arts to handle life in its best possible ways. The mind cannot stay silent until thoughts and emotions are settled in its source (soul). Meditation does not care about the thoughts but care about the source of thoughts.

A meditation training course in Nepal Yoga Home will help to dissolve all thoughts into the soul. Then you will experience the true nature of the soul (just blissfulness).

Meditation, the seventh limb of classical Ashtanga yoga, is not the control of thoughts, however, it’s a way to gain mastery over thoughts. Focus or concentration is not meditation, yet you cannot reach meditation without concentration. So, before the meditation, there is the practice of Dharana (awareness) which helps to generate deep concentration. You need to cross the level of thought control and concentration to achieve the state of meditation.

This meditation teacher training helps you to discover peace, what you need is a silent mind that can observe, that can actually distinguish or see things in reality. A monkey mind or a chattering mind cannot behold the truth. Similarly, a controlled mind, a tortured mind, a suppressed mind, yielding, or indulging mind cannot perceive the truth. It is only a very silent mind that can actually see who really you are.

Meditation can happen at any time if you know the mechanism of your thoughts. Therefore, meditation can happen while eating, sitting, wailing, listening, sitting on a bus, hiking, watching or enjoying singing birds, or even just gazing at your spouse.

Meditation is not a separate practice; rather, it is the comprehension of existence as a whole, in which all forms of life’s fragmentation have withdrawn. This certified meditation teacher training helps you to make your whole life the part of meditation.

You will have the experience of stillness even in strong psychological problems. Through meditation training courses you will discover the foundation to handle the problems that may arise in life. This is the time to understand your real enemy which is hidden inside like; brutality, anger, jealousy, fear, attachment, envy, etc.

This breathing and meditation training in Nepal is very helpful for beginners to advanced practitioners who want to experience the various techniques of meditation to get the infinite higher self within a limited body. You will learn the following meditation during your breathing and meditation teacher training course in Nepal Yoga Home.

  • Breathing meditation
  • Vipassana meditation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Mantra meditation
  • So-Ham meditation
  • Blissful meditation
  • Buddha style meditation
  • Chakra meditation
  • Dynamic meditation
  • Kundalini meditation
  • No-mind meditation, etc.

2. Pranayama (breathing)

Pranayama the breathing strategy, is the fourth limb of classical Ashtanga yoga. Pranayama is a centuries-old breathing technique that has its roots in yogic rituals performed in Nepal and India. It entails managing the durations and patterns of your breath in a more systematic manner which makes your mind more in order, still, and peaceful.

Pranayama believes that if you want to get mastery over the mind need to have mastery over the breathing. You can control the power of your mind by adjusting or controlling your breath. Due to the numerous health advantages of pranayama practice, it has more popularity in the recent era. The importance of Pranayam teacher training is increasing very well in this modern unhealthy lifestyle.

The two terms prana and ayama are the origin of the word pranayama. The word “prana” means “breath” whereas the word “Ayama” has several distinct connotations, such as “expansion,” “length,” and “rising.”

According to yogic doctrine, pranayama exercises can help you control your inner power, also known as prana. In yoga, prana also stands for the material forces of electricity, magnetism, heat, light, etc. The same energy in the body is called life force, vitality inner strength, etc.

So pranayama is the best source to develop inner strength by increasing the oxygen level in the body. This pranayama training course in Nepal focuses on how pranayama exercises can help you control your breathing and elevate your mood. Pranayama (breathing tools) also works very well for body detoxification.

There are three phases of the pranayama cycle that is Puraka, Kumbhaka, and Rechaka and has many types that you will learn during this pranayama and meditation teacher training course in Nepal. You will learn the following pranayama during your stay.

  • Akara pranayama
  • Ukara pranayama
  • Makara pranayama
  • Aumkara pranayama
  • Divine pranayama
  • Udar pranayama
  • Vakshya pranayama
  • Skanda pranayama
  • Yogic pranayama
  • Khanda pranayama
  • Prakartik pranayama
  • Throat lock
  • Abdominal lock
  • Root lock
  • Great lock
  • Ujjayi pranayama (victorious breath)
  • Kapal bhati pranayama I and II
  • Swana pranayama
  • Anulom vilom pranayama I and II (slow and fast)
  • Bhastrika pranayama (bellows breath)
  • Nadi sodhana pranayama (nadi cleansing)
  • Sitali pranayama (cooling pranayama)
  • Surya vedi pranayama (right nostril breathing)
  • Seetkari pranayama (hissing breath)
  • Chandra vedi pranayama (left nostril breathing)
  • Moorchha pranayama (swooning or fainting breath)
  • Agnishara kriya (digestive fire activation)
  • Kaki pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama (humming bee breath)
  • Ashwani pranayama

3. Relaxation and Shavasana (yoga Nidra)

There are many techniques of yogic relaxation. These are varieties of practiced in Shavasana (yoga Nidra ). These relaxation techniques help to give quick relaxation. In a very short time, you will be released from tiredness and exhaustion. This will promote sound sleep, decrease physical and mental stress, give freshness quickly, etc.

This relaxation training course provides tools to do self-healing. After this relaxation, you will learn how to quickly fix the emotional disturbance that happens in daily life.

4. Chanting practice during meditation teacher training

In the Sanskrit language, ‘man' means “mind” and ’tra’ means “freeing.” So a mantra is a combination of spiritual sounds that help to achieve freedom from the mind.

Chanting is part of mantra yoga. Chanting various mantras create strong vibration which purifies not only the energy centers but also brings many benefits to your mind and emotion. You will practice various mantra chanting which originated from an ancient enlightened sage and scripture.

You will practice the following mantras:

  • Mantra: Aum!!! (The meaning Aum is universal cosmic sound energy.)
  • Gayatri mantra and meaning (Aum bhoor bhuwah swaha, Tat savitur varenyam, Bhargo devasaya dheemahi, Dhiyo yo naha prachodayat): Meaning of mantra is "Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life, Remover of pain and sorrow, The bestower of happiness, Oh! Creator of the Universe, May we receive thy supreme sin-destroying light, May Thou guide our mind in the right direction".
  • Shanti mantra (Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah | Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet | Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih): Meaning of mantra is "Om! May all beings be happy, may all beings be free from diseases, may all have good relation to each other’s, may all get liberate from suffering. Om, Peace, Peace, Peace."
  • Vaidic Shanti mantra (Om Dyauh Shanti Rantarikssam Shantih, Prthivi Shanti Rapaha Shanti Rossadhayaha Shantih, Vanaspatayaha Shanti Vishodeva Shanti Brahma Shantih, Sarvam Shantih Shantireva Shantih Saa Maa Shantiredhi | Om Shantih Shantih Shantih): Meaning of mantra is: "Om, May peace radiate in the sky; May peace in space. May peace in earth; May peace in water; may peace in the herbs and vegetables. May Peace in plants; May peace is in deity; May Peace is in universe. May peace in every creature; May Peace alone in Peace; May all we realize Peace. Om, Peace, Peace, Peace."
  • Divine mantra (Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya. Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya. Mirtyor-Maa Amritam Gamaya. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih): Meaning of divine mantra is "Om (O Lord) Lead me from illusion to truth (eternal self), Darkness (negativity) to divinity (positivity), And from fear of death to immortality (Knowledge of the Immortal Self beyond Death), Om, peace peace peace."
  • Mantra before the food/some important work (Om Saha Naavavatu, Saha Nau Bhunaktu, Saha Veeryam Karavaavahai Tejasvi Navadheetamastu Maa Vidvishaavahai, Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!): Meaning of om saha naavavatu: “May the Lord protect and bless us (guru and me). May he norish us, giving us strength to work together for the good of humanity. May our learning be brilliant and purposeful. May we never turn against one another.”
  • Universal mantra (Om Sarveshaam Svastir….) (Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu | Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu | Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu | Sarveshaam Manggalam-Bhavatu | Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih): Meaning of universal mantra is "May there be Well-Being in All, May there be Peace in All. May there be Fulfillment in All. May there be good luck in All. May all beings everywhere be happy and free. Om, Peace, Peace, Peace."
  • Maha Mirtunjaya mantra for trauma management (Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam. Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat. Om shanti shanti shanti!!!): Meaning of Maha Miunjaya mantra is "May the lord (universal energy) nourishes all beings. May he break our bondage of Samsara (Worldly Life), and liberate us from the fear of death by making us realize that we are Immortal eternal being."
  • Guru Brahma Mantra (Gururbrahma guruvishnuh gururdevo mahesvarah. Gurursaksat parabrahma tasmai shriguruve namah.): Meaning of Guru Brahma mantra is "Guru is the representative of Lord of the Creator, Lord of the Protector and Operator and Lord of the Destroyer. He is the eternal live god. I bow down to that great Guru"
  • Dhyanamulam guru mantra (Dhyanamulam gurormurtih pujamulam gurohpadam l Mantramulam gurorvakyam moksamulam guroh kirpa): Meaning of Dhyanamulam mantra is "The Guru’s body is the root of meditation. The feet of the Guru are the root of worship. The teaching of the Guru is the root of all mantras. The Grace of the Guru is the root of Salvation"

Some other popular mantras

  • Om namaha Shivaya: Meaning of om amaha shivaya is a salutation to the universal consciousness.
  • Om namo namaha!!!: The meaning of om namo shivaya is a salutation to universal energy. "I am so grateful to that supreme power."
  • Om Tat Sat: "Only the supreme god is true."
  • Om Samarpanam: The meaning of om samarpanam is "I surrender to the universal existence"
  • Buddhist mantra (Aum mani padme Hum): The meaning of Aum Mani Padme Hum is, "Om = sound of the universe Ma = purifies jealousy Ni = purifies desire Ped =purifies ignorance me = purifies attachment Hum=purifies hatred and anger." So this mantra gives the sense of "Hey" energy of the universe purifies jealousy, purifies desire, purifies ignorance, purifies attachment, and purifies hatred and anger, and leads more divine and pure life.

5. Asana and stretching (posture)

Asana is the third limb of Ashtanga yoga. It helps to give proper exercise to the body along with a spiritual realization. Asana is not merely a physical exercise but deeper than physical exercise. You will realize that the dynamic flow of meditation can be part of dynamic meditation if you do it with full awareness.

You will learn simple antirheumatic poses which help to remove the stiffness in muscles and joints. You will learn sun/moon salutation. These very simple poses to meditate for a long time in one sitting. Supine poses are helpful for relaxing the body and removing some stiffness from the back and balancing poses to get the proper balance of mind and emotions.

6. Philosophy

You will get meditation and breathing-related philosophy with a better understanding of body, mind, and soul. On this 11-day meditation training course, you will get the concept and science of breathing and meditation. Its mechanism how does it work? How meditation, breathing, and relaxation are related to each other.

During this meditation teacher training period, you will learn:

  • How to develop the integration of body and mind.
  • How to integrate the lower soul into the supreme soul.
  • How you can get freedom from the mind?
  • What is the mind and its type according to the yogic concept and psychological concept?
  • What is the discipline of the practitioner?
  • How to maintain non-violence
  • How to get more contentment in life
  • How to maintain non-attachment
  • What is liberation and bounding of life
  • Karmic account, etc.

Who can join the breathing and meditation teacher training?

Everybody can join this course. People from any country, religion, or belief are open to this course. There is no discrimination to attending breathing and meditation training courses. Both males and females can join the course.

If you are a yoga or meditation teacher, this training will help more. If you are a spiritual seeker, this meditation training will give you a guideline to reach your goal. Whatever profession you do, if you integrate this practice into your life you will start experiencing bliss within. So, every single human can join this amazing life-changing breathing and meditation teacher training course in Nepal Yoga Home.

Why this breathing and meditation teacher training class is important in this modern time?

  • To attain peace and harmony within this conflicting world.
  • To enjoy proper health both physically and mentally in a natural way. Nowadays, various diseases are increasing. People have many health issues. Modern science is not able to solve it. Thus natural and ancient science is necessary at this time.
  • People are having problems in relation to each other. When you get your mood happy and peaceful, you will react to others in a proper way. So, relations will also be better.
  • It is important to explore ancient science for the overall development of humans inwardly. Old is gold. This is the original technique for health, well-being, and spirituality. Thus meditation should not be ignored.

Five reasons to attend breathing and meditation teacher training course

  • Self-management: This course helps you to manage yourself. You will continue enhancing the way and art of life with its regular practice.
  • Self-empowerment: It empowers you. You will be strong inside. You will also be better in your work and career.
  • Self-realization: It progresses in self-development and realization. You will realize you are. The purpose and meaning of life will be clear. You will get a strong connection with yourself.
  • Freedom from stress: To enjoy human life with better understanding. So, there will be no more stress, anxiety, or mental issues in your life. You’ll start taking pleasure in all of life’s highs and lows.
  • To know the real process of life: This explores the origin of knowledge real process of life exists. You will realize the connection of life and world, life and spirituality as well as self-journey. When you are clear regarding these things, the problems of life come to an end.

Health benefits of pranayama

  • Cognitive process

Pranayama techniques, both quick and slow, can enhance your cognitive abilities. Fast pranayama has been shown to be particularly effective for enhancing auditory and sensory-motor skills.

  • Mindfulness

Similar to the more well-known types of yoga, pranayama can improve mindfulness. Your ability to live in the present moment can benefit from its meditative technique of breath focus and mindfulness. modulation of emotions under stress.

  • Lung volume

Pranayama exercises can enhance lung capacity. This involves making your respiratory muscles stronger and enabling you to hold your breath for longer. Pranayama may be able to assist with many lung problems. It might strengthen asthmatic lungs and help people recover from pneumonia. Give up smoking. Speaking of lung health, pranayama breathing methods can reduce cravings if you’re trying to give up smoking.

  • Anxiety and stress

Pranayama has been shown to reduce stress and hostility in students who are facing extremely difficult exams. The relaxation and breathing techniques of pranayama may affect the levels of stress molecules. Pranayama can greatly reduce anxiety as well as any accompanying negative emotions.

Anxiety can be reduced by practicing pranayama regularly. Additionally, it can enhance areas of mental focus that are frequently impacted by it, like awareness and attentiveness. One session is all it takes to noticeably lessen anxiety. This meditation teacher training really helps you to overcome your stress and anxiety.

  • Reduce diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and hypertension

The advantages of such stress management include a lower risk of a number of illnesses, including strokes, peripheral vascular disease, and coronary heart disease.

  • Psychological illnesses

Psychosomatic illnesses are conditions that affect both the body and the mind. Headaches from migraines, ulcers, and psoriasis are a few examples of psychosomatic illnesses. Pranayama and meditation may aid in managing them by fusing the body and mind together through the breath.

Pranayama is a yoga technique that may help you balance your mind and body and may have a number of positive effects on your general health. You might discover that it lessens the signs of specific bodily conditions or that it aids in the improvement of mental conditions like worry and anxiety.


Prakash Acharya

RamHari Thapa


Nepal Yoga Home is located in a peaceful area at the base of mountains and forests but not far from Kathmandu city.

What's included

  • 100-hour breathing and meditation teacher training course tuition
  • Certificate of completion
  • 10 nights accommodation

What's not included

  • Airfare
  • Airport transfers
  • Personal expenses

How to get there

Recommended Airports

Arrival by taxi

Take a taxi from Tribhuvan International Airport (KTM) and call Nepal Yoga Home from the taxi driver's number. Or you can navigate with Google Maps by searching Nepal Yoga Home.

Airport: Tribhuvan International Airport Airport transfer available: Tribhuvan International Airport (US$ 15 per person) Additional charges may apply. You can request this in the next step.

Cancellation Policy

  • A reservation requires a deposit of 14% of the total price.
  • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
  • The rest of the payment should be paid on arrival.

Value for money
Accommodation & facilities
Quality of activity
11 days / 10 nights
from --

This training is available all year round, with arrivals every 1st day of the month.

Select your package:

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