When you put 12 strangers together and ask them to arrive with an open mind for an experience they are unlikely to have imagined correctly, it could cause problems. Montine's expertise and natural empathy made the transition from everyday life to something extraordinary fairly seamless.
You would expect that the sort of person who signs up for 6 days of intuition painting would make us all similar, but this wasn't the case and the diversity enriched the retreat hugely. My experience of life is that is often easier to bond with strangers than with someone you have known for a while - no baggage and greater freedom to be honest.
The beautiful Tuscan scenery, the sunshine and the "unusual" but comfortable accommodation quickly removed you from normal life and made you open to the purpose of the retreat. I had no particular expectations and at the beginning, when the group were strangers, there were a lot of self-conscious moments where I tried to suppress any cynicism I arrived with. After 24 hours the importance of authenticity and honesty were clear - why would you sign up for something like this and not give it your best shot?
Unlike some of the mysticism surrounding other sorts of retreats, this was profound and thoroughly understandable. Feeling safe within the group is fundamental and Montine manages this brilliant; however it is the group itself which makes it work. I have always had faith in humanity and this was enhanced by the lovely people I shared the week with.