Yoga Tangalle is a place for silence, yoga, and meditation. Immersed in nature and friendliness, it is the ideal place to learn and practice.

Holidays (3)

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Instructors (3)

Lucie Aglaja

Gamini Gunaratne

Easy Yogi

Reviews (3)

Isabel Casteels

from Sri Lanka, March 2024

"Very nice relaxing and informative yoga/meditation retreat"

This was a really nice experience. I liked how during the retreat I was able to relax completely, and at the same time I learned many new things about meditation and yoga. Lucie and Matias are experienced and engaged teachers and they are passionate about sharing their practices and knowledge with the world. They listen to you and tailor the program to your needs. During the yin classes we focused much on alignment, the hatha classes were more dynamic . They also encourage you to practice meditation on your own, and give tips and tricks on how to do that.

The location is very nice, close to the sea and I liked the food as well (Sri Lankan rice and curry). We often had dinner all together, which was very nice. Highly recommended !

Georgina Gomez Torras

from Sri Lanka, October 2023

"Una experiencia que seguro nunca voy a olvidar!!"

Sin duda este retiro es una experiencia que todo el mundo deberia permitirse vivir en algun momento de su vida! La combinacion del Yoga junto con la formacion del Reiki es una inmersion directa i profunda a tu interior.

El sitio del retiro es increiblemente hermoso y a literalmente a dos pasos de una de las playas mas preciosas y tranquilas que he visto nunca. La comida que prepara una familia de Sri Lanka es riquisima y esta echa con mucho amor!!

Los instructores, Luci y Gamini, son dos personas excelentes! Te acogen y acompanan durante el proceso de estos dias con muchisimo carino.

No voy a negar, que es una experiencia intensa! Pero recomiendo sin duda vivirla al lado de estos dos instructores maravillosos, que te hacen sentir des de el minuto 0 como en casa! Lo que me gustaria destacar es que ellos, respetan des del inicio los ritmos personales de cada participante y en ningun momento te sientes obligada a realizar ninguna actividad. Son muy conscientes de que es una experiencia intensa a nivel fisico, mental y emocional. Y lo que mas aprecio es que se preocupan en todo momento para que tu misma escuches tus propias necesidades y te sientas a gusto en todo momento!

Durante estos dias, he aprendido sobre una parte de mi que desconocia, he formado parte de una hermosa familia de luz y he plantado mis raices con el Yoga y el Reiki!

Muchas gracias Luci y Gamini por todo el trabajo y dedicacion en este proyecto y por acompanarnos con tanta delicadeza y profesionalidad!!!

Veronika Hudakova

from Great Britain, October 2023

"Amazing retreat"

I can't be happier to have chosen the retreat with Lucie and Gamini.

The retreat was amazing in every aspect. The accommodation in the beautiful Hidden Garden was very nice, a true oasis of peace. Tangalle is a stunning part of Sri Lanka, wild, tranquil, authentic.

Lucie is an amazing Yogi and a very dedicated teacher. She is a very beautiful and calm person and it is really soothing to be in her presence. Gamini is the best Reiki Master I have ever met, I would certainly recommend him to anyone who needs any healing on a physical and/or mental level.

The retreat helped me to level up my personal practise and mindfulness. I loved being there. I felt so relaxed and in peace the whole time. Highly recommended.